
Monitoring Air Quality data with ThingSpeak using an ESP8266 module

Overview In this tutorial, we will show you how to connect an Arduino UNO R3 with an ESP8266 WiFi module mounted on an ESP-01 adapter. We will also explain the steps for setting up a new channel on ThingSpeak and how to write data on the channel. This tutorial is suitable for beginners who want […]


Sending Data To Firebase With The ESP8266 WiFi Module

Purpose: This tutorial will show you how to use the Arduino to program an ESP8266 WiFi Module. This module can be used to connect your Arduino to the internet. Parts: Arduino Uno Breadboard ESP8266 WiFi Module ESP8266 ESP-01 Breadboard Adaptor 8 jumper wires Notes: This circuit requires 3.3V for power. However, it is ideal if […]